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Adults' Stabilicers Maxx

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Adults' Stabilicers MaxxAdults' Stabilicers MaxxAdults' Stabilicers MaxxAdults' Stabilicers MaxxAdults' Stabilicers Maxx
Adults' Stabilicers Maxx


L L Bean Mastercard

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Product Details

Add Stabilicers® ice cleats to your winter boots and get the traction of studded snow tires - ideal for winter hunting, fishing and more.

This traction device is trusted by police, rescue teams, ice fisherman and others for slip-resistant footing on ice and snow. They attach to virtually any shoe style in seconds to keep you firmly on your feet on slick surfaces, whether you're deep in the woods or just walking the dog in the neighborhood.

  • Heavy-duty, deeply lugged sole is designed to shed ice and snow.
  • Now 30% lighter, with improved strap design.
  • Adjustable Velcro-closure straps are easy to put on and take off, and stay securely attached.
  • Ideal for pac-style winter boots and longer outings.
  • Made to withstand temperatures to -40°.
  • Steel studs are replaceable for years of use.
  • Imported.

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