[00:00:01.50] Logo, L.L. Bean, Yule Dog. A large golden dog sleeps on a tan L.L.Bean dog bed in front of a fire that burns in a stone fireplace. The dog bed sits on an earth-toned woven rug. A brown couch is partially visible on the right in the foreground with a throw blanket over the arm. Fireplace tools hang on a rounded frame on the hearth on the right, and an L.L.Bean Fatwood box sits on the hearth on the left. A pair of heavy gloves sit on the hearth. A ladder to the left of the hearth displays several folded plaid blankets. To the right of the hearth are shelves with books, a mug and a pair of binoculars.
[00:05:00.07] A close view of the sleeping dog.
[00:06:01.00] The wider view of the room.
[00:07:13.74] The dog slightly opens its eyes, then closes them again.
[00:08:16.13] The dog slightly opens its eyes, then closes them again.
[00:08:35.72] The dog opens its eyes when the fire pops, then closes them again.
[00:09:42.07] The dog opens its eyes, then closes them again.
[00:12:42.30] The dog slightly opens its eyes.
[00:12:59.21] It opens them wider.
[00:13:07.50] It closes them again.
[00:13:54.61] The dog slightly opens its eyes.
[00:14:06.81] It opens them wider, then narrower.
[00:14:14.78] It opens them wider again, then narrower.
[00:15:09.96] It opens them wide, lifts up its head and looks around.
[00:15:44.97] It blinks and lowers its head back down with open eyes.
[00:16:19.00] It partially closes its eyes.
[00:16:40.69] It widens its eyes.
[00:16:49.28] It partially closes them again.
[00:17:16.01] It widens its eyes, then closes them.
[00:17:29.70] It opens them wide, lifts up its head and looks around.
[00:18:05.35] It lies its head on the side cushion.
[00:18:16.50] It picks up its head, looks around and licks its lips.
[00:18:26.92] It nestles its head into the corner of the cushion, eyes open.
[00:18:58.71] It lifts its head, looks around and its ears tilt.
[00:19:13.55] It lies its head on the side cushion.
[00:20:11.34] It rests its head over the back corner.
[00:20:15.92] It lifts its head and looks around.
[00:20:30.12] It returns its head to the side cushion.
[00:20:58.37] It starts and raises its head and places its paw on the side cushion.
[00:21:02.78] A person enters with a canvas bag and sets it down in front of the fireplace, opens the bag and takes out a piece of firewood.
[00:21:11.26] The person puts on a heavy glove and scratches the dog.
[00:21:15.95] They pick up the other glove from the hearth and put it on as the dog looks around.
[00:21:21.73] They take a piece of wood out of the bag and put it on the fire.
[00:21:30.20] They take off the gloves and set them on the hearth, pick up the bag, scratch the dog and leave.
[00:21:37.47] A close view of the fire burning.
[00:23:36.78] The dog lies with its front paws over the side of the bed and wiggles as it looks out.
[00:23:50.40] It looks around.
[00:23:53.26] It wiggles excitedly.
[00:23:58.50] It looks back to the side as a person enters and sets a pair of Bean Boots in front of the hearth, scratches the dog's head and walks off. The dog looks after the person.
[00:24:12.60] The bean boots with chunks of ice on them.
[00:24:29.00] The dog on the bed with its head down and eyes open.
[00:24:37.97] It partially closes its eyes.
[00:24:42.47] It closes its eyes.
[00:24:53.82] It opens its eyes.
[00:25:05.73] It partially closes its eyes.
[00:25:14.71] It widens its eyes.
[00:25:20.53] It closes its eyes.
[00:25:55.72] It opens its eyes.
[00:26:03.22] It closes its eyes.
[00:27:29.27] It partially opens its eyes.
[00:27:35.41] It closes its eyes.
[00:28:25.12] It partially opens its eyes.
[00:28:29.42] It closes its eyes.
[00:29:42.74] It opens its eyes.
[00:29:46.84] It closes its eyes.
[00:31:39.14] The dog partially opens its eyes, then closes them.
[00:37:00.19] The dog partially opens its eyes, then closes them.
[00:38:31.85] A close view of the sleeping dog.
[00:38:39.96] The dog opens its eyes, lifts its head and looks around. It looks off at something.
[00:38:50.96] It looks forward at something.
[00:38:56.03] It looks down, then around.
[00:39:04.02] It looks forward at something.
[00:39:09.15] It looks off at something.
[00:39:15.03] It rests its head on the side cushion with its eyes open.
[00:39:21.55] The person enters, picks up a fire tool, crouches down and moves the logs on the fire. The person has long dark hair.
[00:39:29.87] A close view of the log and fire as it is moved around.
[00:39:39.44] A close view of the dog with its head resting on the side cushion.
[00:39:47.24] A close view of the fire as the person places another log on.
[00:39:56.35] The person crosses in front and walks off.
[00:39:59.40] The room with the dog's head on the side cushion, its gaze soft.
[00:40:35.10] A close view of the dog.
[00:40:42.55] The dog lifts its head and looks forward at something.
[00:40:52.63] It nuzzles its head into the corner of the cushion.
[00:41:13.94] The room.
[00:41:50.25] A close view of the fire as it burns brightly.
[00:42:53.90] The room. The dog rests its head on the bed and looks forward.
[00:43:58.04] The dog adjusts its head and looks off at something.
[00:44:05.49] It looks back forward.
[00:46:32.58] A close view of the fire. The flames burn high.
[00:47:27.69] A close view of the dog with its head and front paws over the edge of the bed. It looks down, then its eyes widen and it adjusts.
[00:47:50.79] The dog lifts its head, licks its lips and wiggles.
[00:47:55.28] In a wider view, the dog raises up and looks off at something with its front paws on the floor.
[00:48:04.84] It lowers slightly and looks forward.
[00:48:11.32] It lowers its head down near the floor.
[00:48:29.34] It raises its head up and looks forward at something, then looks around.
[00:48:37.48] It looks back forward at something.
[00:48:42.60] It looks off at something, then back forward.
[00:48:54.70] It looks off at something.
[00:48:58.85] It looks back forward.
[00:49:05.52] It looks around.
[00:49:09.85] It looks back forward.
[00:49:11.94] It starts and wiggles as it looks up at something.
[00:49:16.56] It looks off at something.
[00:49:22.38] It looks back forward and wiggles. A close view of the fire.
[00:49:46.09] The dog perks up and looks off at something.
[00:49:55.21] It looks forward.
[00:50:00.93] It lowers its head near to the floor.
[00:50:19.90] It raises its head and looks forward at something.
[00:50:23.20] It looks around.
[00:50:28.32] It looks back forward at something and its leg moves.
[00:50:33.66] It looks quickly to the side at something, then back forward at something.
[00:50:45.22] It looks off at something.
[00:50:49.65] It looks back forward at something.
[00:50:55.47] It looks around.
[00:51:02.33] It starts and wiggles and looks off at something.
[00:51:06.92] It suddenly looks off to the side at something.
[00:51:12.80] It looks back forward at something and moves its legs.
[00:51:17.02] It looks off to the side at something, then back forward.
[00:51:22.58] It moves its leg and licks its lips as it looks forward at something.
[00:51:33.26] It looks off.
[00:51:39.85] It lowers its head into its paws near the floor.
[00:51:44.48] It moves around and more upright with its front paws on the floor.
[00:51:50.93] It rests its head on the side cushion on the other side, to the left. A close view of the fire.
[00:52:51.23] The room. The dog looks forward at something, then around.
[00:52:58.26] It looks forward at something and twitches its ears and leg.
[00:53:03.39] It looks off to the side at something, then back forward.
[00:53:14.92] It looks off to the side at something.
[00:53:19.32] It looks back forward.
[00:53:25.34] It looks down and around.
[00:53:31.99] It starts and wiggles and looks up at something.
[00:53:36.30] It looks off to the side at something.
[00:53:42.58] It looks back forward at something and moves its leg.
[00:53:46.93] It looks off to the side at something, then back forward at something and around.
[00:53:52.12] It moves its leg and licks its lips as it looks forward at something.
[00:54:02.57] It looks off and around.
[00:54:09.59] It lowers its head back into its paws near the floor.
[00:54:14.79] It moves around and sits up more straight with its head raised and front paws on the floor.
[00:54:21.21] It rests its head back on the side cushion to the left.
[00:54:32.71] It raises its head back up and looks around.
[00:54:36.90] It looks forward at something.
[00:54:42.34] It adjusts its paws on the floor and looks up at something.
[00:54:53.97] It lowers its head to near the floor.
[00:55:18.48] It lifts its head and looks forward at something.
[00:55:23.95] It moves its leg as it looks at something and wiggles.
[00:55:42.85] It looks off at something.
[00:55:49.29] It looks back forward at something.
[00:55:55.50] It moves its leg and suddenly looks off at something.
[00:56:02.80] It lowers its head back to near the floor, crossed over one leg.
[00:56:09.48] It moves its head around and rests it back between its paws.
[00:56:23.28] It crosses it back over one leg.
[00:56:34.78] It moves it back to between its paws.
[00:56:46.01] A close view of the fire.
[00:59:12.63] The room. The dog with its paws on the floor and its head up as it looks off at something.
[00:59:18.76] It looks around.
[00:59:22.11] A person with a dark beard and mustache and short hair enters and picks up the boots, pats their leg and the dog gets up and they walk off together.
[00:59:34.45] Logo and text in the corner, Love, L.L.Bean.