Returns and Exchanges Icon

Easy Returns & Exchanges

If you are not 100% satisfied with one of our products, you may return it within one year of your purchase for a refund (special conditions may apply). After one year, we will consider any items for return that are defective due to materials or craftsmanship. Products purchased before February 9, 2018, are not subject to this one-year time limit. Proof of purchase required.

Returns & Exchanges through UPS or US mail are $6.50 per package or FREE if you used an L.L.Bean Mastercard or paid entirely using Bean Bucks. You can also return your item(s) to one of our retail stores for no extra cost.

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Service Plans for L.L.Bean Fly Rods and L.L.Bean Waders, as well as repairs for select L.L.Bean Boots, are available for situations beyond those covered by our Return Policy.

Learn how you can ship this return for FREE as an L.L.Bean Mastercard member.

Learn how you can ship this return for FREE as an L.L.Bean Mastercard member.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still  have  questions? Call 1-800-453-0659 (para Español 1-888-867-1932) and one of our customer service reps will be happy to help !